Pitch perfect – Frábærar frumkvöðlakynningar

Hádegisfyrirlestur Jay Johnson – fyrirlesara og þjálfara í kynningum frumkvöðla og fyrirtækja.

Það tekur áhorfendur aðeins 15 fyrstu sekúndurnar af kynningunni þinni til að ákveða hvort þú sér trúverðug/ur og hvort hugmyndin þín skipti máli. Þetta kann að vera ósanngjarnt – en er samt satt.

Hvernig byggir þú upp traust og trúverðugleika á fyrstu 15 sekúndunum þegar þú hittir fólk? Hvernig getur þú aukið sannfæringarkraftinn? Hvernig eykur þú líkurnar á jákvæðum viðbrögðum? Komdu á skemmtilegan hádegisfyrirlestur og hlýddu á erindi Jay Johnson um frábærar frumkvöðlakynningar.

(ATH. fyrirlesturinn fer fram á ensku)

Staður:  Arion banki – Höfuðstöðvar Borgartúni 19
Tími:      Miðvikudagur 21. ágúst. Frá kl. 12.05 til 12.55

Dagskrá lýkur stundvíslega kl. 12.55 en þeir sem vilja geta staldrað við og spjallað við Jay Johnson og spurt spurninga.

Aðgangur ókeypis – skráning nauðsynleg – laufléttar veitingar í boði


Pitch Perfect: Get What you Want

In the blink of an eye, people determine whether or not you are credible and whether your idea matters. While this may not be fair, it is a fact. So, how can you improve your credibility and trust with an audience in the first 15 seconds of meeting them? What can you do to become more persuasive? How can you get a favorable response more often than not? Join this exciting seminar and learn to pitch-perfect.

Jay Johnson, CEO of Coeus Creative Group and International Vice President of JCI, will share how he has helped businesses and organizations alike secure millions of dollars in funding and position themselves as thought leaders in their industries. Jay will share his unique understanding of human psychology and behavioral intelligence to give you the tools to successfully pitch anyone, anywhere.

Place: Arion banki – Höfuðstöðvar Borgartúni 19
Time: Wednesday 21. August from 12.05 til 12.55

Event is formally over at 12:55 but those who want can stay and ask Jay Johnson some questions.

Free admission – registration neccessary – light refreshments 



Jay Johnson is an internationally renowned speaker specializing in behavior and organizational development. Jay has given keynotes and workshops in 19 countries across 4 continents, empowering audiences with a unique perspective of behavioral intelligence.

Jay has delivered a TEDx talk with more than 365K views demonstrating a new approach to dealing with difficult people. His delivery style is engaging and fun, all while giving audiences immediately usable skills to build stronger relationships, enhance influence, and lead effectively.

Jay works with Fortune 100 companies and national organizations such as Ford Motor Company, United Way, Consumers Energy, Keller Williams, Kentucky Fried Chicken, Crain Communication, Junior Chamber International, UM Health Systems, the Detroit Chamber, and AmeriCorps. Jay’s style makes him a crowd favorite and a remarkably motivating speaker.

Jay holds a Master’s Degree in communication, is a designated Master Trainer from the ATD, and was twice honored with the Excellence in Training Award by the APCC. He has served in government as well as an International Vice President for a global NGO. Jay was named “Top Trainer” in 2017 by ATD Detroit. His passion for speaking comes through in every engagement and he is sure to inspire and empower your organization or group.

Viðburðurinn er í boði

Jay Johnson

Dags. og tími:
21. Aug 2019
12:05 - 12:55

Arion banki - Höfuðstöðvar

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